The HGA Tour rolled into Belmont Hills this past Sunday for the Irvine Invitational and everybody kn...
Week 21 of the HGA Tour saw us return home to the rolling Turtle Hills for the Ace in the Hole Chall...
Turtle Hill is currently undergoing an exciting transformation as the hotel enters full renovation m...
Good afternoon All,Please allow this email to serve as a reminder and brief overview of wh...
We’re thrilled to share some exciting news! The Turtle Hill Golf Club has been nominated for "World’...
If you’ve ever wanted to get into the game, this is your chance! Operation 36 is the perfect way for...
This week, we're thrilled to introduce a key member of our greenskeeping team at Turtle Hill GC. Joi...
We'd like to highlight the wonderful people behind Turtle Hill Golf Club and ensure you know wh...
Happy holidays from all of us! See all the latest results and more here in the newsletter:
Who's been winning at Turtle Hill? see here in the newsletter:">More
We've started our overseeding process on December 2nd, 2024. As you would have seen, we have started...
The 2nd round of the Ladies Interclub took place on Saturday, November 2, 2024, at Ocean View Golf C...
Please find the flyer below for the upcoming Fecchio Junior Cup Golf Tournament, scheduled for Thurs...
Are you interested in learning a new skill while building team spirit? Contact our team to arrange a...
We’re excited to share with you that the Fairmont Southampton renovation project has taken a signifi...
Storewide Golf Shoe Sale! Save 30% on FJ Fuel, ProLite, PUMA Ignite, and Fusion models—Men's and Lad...
Your support could make a difference! Click on the link and pass it along to your friends and family...
Ernesto has finally passed Bermuda. Turtle Hill Golf Course sustained very little damage luckily. <...
Good day Turtle Hill Golf Friends and Family. As Hurricane Ernesto approaches Bermuda starting ...
Turtle Hill Golf Club and Bermuda will be monitoring Hurricane Ernesto this week and will update eve...
Services we offer:Re-GrippingRe-ShaftingLoft and Lies check and changeClub Fitti...
Take a look at our latest newsletter to read all about the exciting events happening here at Tu...
Getting the right grip for your game can have a bigger impact than you would think on improving your...
The Open Championship is underway, and we can't wait for a great weekend of golf! Who are you backin...
Our Ladies' Operation 36 program is thriving, and our golfers are having a blast out on the course! ...
The Turtle Hill Golf team would like to congratulate Chris Smith for stepping up into a new role as ...
You can read more about what's in our Golf Shop in this week's newsletter:
Turtle Hill Golf Club participated in Global Women’s Golf Day on Tuesday, June 4th.The gol...
Bermuda, June 4, 2024 – Turtle Hill Golf Club at Fairmont Southampton is excited to host the Women’s...
Women’s Golf Day is a one-day event celebrating girls and women playing golf and learning the skills...
We have just completed our Yearly Course Aerification this week and all has gone extremely well...
Read this week's newsletter for the newest looks for both men and women. Stay stylish while you play...
Join us for our upcoming Men's Short Game Clinic, powered by the expertise of Operation 36. Whe...
Read our latest newsletter for the Member-Guest Results, another look at our new golf carts, and mor...
Turtle Hill is happy to announce a fleet of 20 new golf carts have arrived and will be in play ...
The Turtle Hill Fall 2024 Junior Golf Program powered by Operation 36 term has come to an end. The p...